23 - 11 - 23
B.Grimm Technologies and PETRONAS Lubricants International collaborate to advance Thailand's lubricants market through innovative, comprehensive solutions and sustainable practices, setting an industry benchmark.
03 - 11 - 23
PETRONAS Syntium Hybrid with CoolTech-H™ technology stays one move ahead of the changing operating conditions within Hybrid vehicles, anticipating the engine’s needs at a wide range of operating temperatures.
15 - 07 - 22
PETRONAS Lubricants (India) and Tata Motors announced their new partnership, making PETRONAS Lubricants a strategic lubricants partner for Tata Motors’ Commercial vehicles.
Global Media Launch of the new Research & Technology Centre
14 - 03 - 18
PLI’s and Mercedes-AMG’s managements, in front of the world’s media and of many VIP guests, have sealed the official opening of the Global R&T Centre.