INDIA KAWASAKI MOTORS and PETRONAS Lubricants announce a new partnership for Lubricants
06 - 12 - 22
At the sidelines of the India Bike Week festival in Goa, India Kawasaki Motors and PETRONAS Lubricants (India) announced their new partnership today along with the unveiling of a flagship engine oil product for Kawasaki’s high-end motorcycles.
MAMG F1_PETRONAS_Announcement
29 - 09 - 22
Mercedes-AMG F1 and PETRONAS today announced a multi-year renewal of Title and Technical Partnership from 2026 onwards in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
PETRONAS launches new range of PETRONAS Syntium with °COOLTECH™
22 - 02 - 19
The welcome speech of our Group CEO and MD Giuseppe D'Arrigo was joined by the Mercedes AMG PETRONAS F1 Team and the two drivers.
Global Media Launch of the new Research & Technology Centre
14 - 03 - 18
PLI’s and Mercedes-AMG’s managements, in front of the world’s media and of many VIP guests, have sealed the official opening of the Global R&T Centre.