Who they are:
The company operates across multiple business sectors: Quarry, Asphalt Plant, and Construction. The Quarry division yields 70,000 metric tons of crushed rocks monthly, whereas the Asphalt Plant has a production output of approximately 800 tons daily. Within the Construction sector, the company engages in earth-moving and concrete works, servicing urban areas and highways.
What they needed:
The main challenges faced by the 3 Sandvik crushers include exposure to dust contamination, elevated temperatures, and extremely high loads. These machines operate continuously for extended periods, which results in an increase in oil Total Acid Number (TAN), leading to oil oxidation and a subsequent rise in viscosity. Typically, the crushers are subjected to a standard workload of approximately 2,400 hours annually, with full company maintenance shutdowns scheduled for lubricant replacement.
PETRONAS Expert Solution
What we did:
A 2,400-hour trial period was established in consultation with the customer, focusing on three Sandvik crusher models: CH 430, CH 440, and CS 430. The Technical Team from PETRONAS proposed the use of PETRONAS Gear MEP 220 in the gearboxes, in line with the manufacturer’s specifications. This field trial was conducted simultaneously on all three Sandvik crushers. PETRONAS also tracked the crushers’ performance and involved the customer in this monitoring process to confirm that the crushers were operating effectively and meeting the expected requirements.
The outcome:
After 2,400 hours of operation, samples were collected from each crusher to track the performance of both the equipment and the lubricant. PETRONAS Gear MEP 220 successfully met all the customer's expectations, thereby bolstering their confidence in PETRONAS. Additionally, there was an enhancement in the crushers' efficiency and productivity, which experienced fewer shutdowns.